Silke Aurora
Born in Neuwied/Rhein, Germany
Living in Bitburg, working studio Trier Germany
Graduate from the European Academy of Fine Art Trier, Germany
Student of Edith Oellers (Düsseldorf) and Bernd Petri (Köln), Germany 1996–2014
Designer for decorative items. Working in China and Germany
Art Association 2023 Member BBK Köln
2021 Member Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Trier e.V.
2021 Boardmember ARC – Kentschtlerkrees Luxembourg 2020 Member Kultur- und Kunstverein Trier e.V.
Organisation (Organisations-Team) 2021 BitburgART “city of art“ 100+ artist 40+ exhibition lecturer
2021“Pimp it up” Parkhaus Annenhof goes Art! Artproject for Kids (Jugend-Kunst-Projekt) supported by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in collaboration with Paritätischen Bildungswerk „Programm Kultur macht Stark“
Awards 2023 2. Place/Artpize ev. Church of Haiger (Passions-Zyklus) 2022 First Prize/Grand Prix at the „Salon international d Árt Contemporain Esch sur Alzette, Luxemburg“ (main cultural capital, Kulturhauptstadt 2022)
2019 Gewinnerin des Publikumspreises “I am Kunstpreis 2020” Kunstraum KM9 Trier
2016 First Prize/Grand Prix at the „Center for Art and Literature Thionville, France“
Purchase of paintings 2023 City of Strassen, Luxemburg 2020 Museum Bistum Trier
2018 Tufa Trier - Artotheken
Represented by 30works Gallery Cologne Germany
EXHIBITION SOLO SHOW AND FAIRS 2024 (in preparation) 30works Galerie cologne 2023
GALERIE Á SPIREN, Stassen, Luxemburg KUNSTHAUS ANSBACH, Bayern, Germany MUC MUNICH, Nulle p. art Gallery, France 2022 „GESICHT ZEIGEN“ catholic church „St. Michael“ Kirchberg, Germany GESICHT ZEIGEN“ cloister catholic church Stiftskirche Kyllburg, Germany DISCOVERY ART FAIR Cologne, Germany DISCOVERY ART FAIR Frankfurt, Germany
2021 PIMP IT UP, youth art project supportet by the Federal Ministry of Education Germany LUXEMBOURG ARTWEEK, Fairground Gallery Netzwerk Trier, Luxembourg DISCOVERY ART FAIR Frankfurt, Germany 2020 FRAGILE LAYERS“ Gallery Netzwerk Trier, Germany LEBENS-LAUF“ (I am Kunstpreis 2020, artprize) Kunstraum KM9 Trier, Germany
LUXEMBOURG ARTWEEK, Fairground Gallery Netzwerk Trier, Luxembourg
